Autumn Vacation Care Wrapped
Click here to see what we got up to!

West Ryde BASC Vacation Care

During the school holidays we provide Vacation Care which caters for the children of West Ryde Public School and the wider community. Our Vacation Care programs are packed with a wide range of exciting activities, taking place both in and outside of the centre. The aim of this program is to keep your children entertained during the holidays with fresh ideas and different activities each school holiday period.

Vacation Care Opening Hours

  • 7:00am – 6:00pm

Please be sure to read our current Parent Handbook and our Vacation Care Terms & Conditions.

New children attending Vacation Care

If you have never attended West Ryde BASC before, you will need to enrol in the centre. (This is in addition to the Vacation Care booking and consent forms.) Please go to our Enrolments page here >

Vacation Care Bookings

To make Vacation Care bookings you must first submit a permission form. Even if you are not booking your child for any excursions, the form must be submitted.

Once the form has been submitted you will receive an email from confirming that you are now able to make bookings by following the linked instructions.

Vacation Care 

Our Winter Vacation Care Program is now available! You must complete the permission slip & terms and conditions prior to bookings being made available. Once your permission slip has been processed, you will receive an email from to confirm when your bookings are open.

Bookings close Tuesday 25th June at 9.00am. Bookings made after this cut-off are subject to availability and will incur a late fee.